Since 1993, Monticolor has grown, following the fundamental values of QUALITY and SERVICE and constantly increasing the range of YARNS in various types and colors, always quality-tested and always available on stock.



We are introduced by the most worldwide-known brands thanks to our constant presence in the most important exhibitions and the work of our skilled agents. From promotion to shipment, we follow our customers in every necessity.



We put our technical knowhow and production skills at disposal of our customers to create sophisticated structures and innovative fabrics with high fashion content. Weaving technicians cooperate in new projects from creative phase to finished fabric, one collection after the other.



Monticolor is the only textile company that supplies ALL END USES, creating products and collections transversally employed by our eminent customers for optimal results.


Capacità tecnica e competenze produttive al servizio dei nostri clienti per realizzare strutture ricercate e tessuti innovativi con grande contenuto moda. Tecnici tessitori condividono dalla fase creativa fino al tessuto finito i nuovi progetti, collezione dopo collezione.



Monticolor started its activity in the world’s manufacturing leading area of excellence. Made in Italy and cooperation with the world’s leader of socks machines have extended our range of supply to the emerging Countries.



Most of the offered products are constantly available on stock, in order to be able to provide the fastest delivery.

Flexibility in quantities and customization of colors with quick and precise dyeing recipes allow our customers to have a “just in time” service.

Regular contacts with suppliers all over the world enable us to always have the best quality-price ratio on our products.